The first King’s unmarried sister HRH Princesses Wangmo Wangchuck and their Majesties, the Queens of Second King (Ashi Puntsho Chodron, married in 1922, and her only sister Ashi Pema Dechen, married in 1932) were devoted their lives to religion . The family established two new Nyingmapa communities in Bumthang. A college of study (Shedra) attached to Tharpaling Monastery and the other at Nyimalung Monastery. Geshe Pema Thinley and Doring Trulku were appointed as Abbots of the Monasteries in the late 40s. Subsequently, Geshe Pema Thinley, on the invitation of HRH Princesses Wangmo Wangchuck , built the Kurtoe Jangchup Chholing Monastery, which remains the seat of current reincarnation H.E Jangtrul Yangsed Rinpoche.

His Holiness Pema Thinley, referred to as Jangtrul Pethrin Rinpoche was the reincranation of Jangtrul Jamyang Tenzin, one of the most celebrated scholar and meditation master in Buddhism. H.H went into retreats and studied in the Central region. A yogi with desired to learn more was guided in his dream by a dakini to travel central Tibet. Where he studied under Geshe Lobsang Yonten Jamtsho at Drepung Loseling for more than twenty years and got his Geshe Title. Despite the political turmoil, H.H Jangtrul Pethrin Rinpoche as prophesized to meet H.H Polo Khen Rinpoche from whom he received all four major lineage teachings and Polo Rinpoche’s exclusive practices. It was during his exile in Mysore, India that H.H Polo Khen Rinpoche preached ‘words of my perfect teacher’ (Kunzang Lama’Ishyalungzindri – priceless treasure of explanation, clarification and practical advice from the heart of the great oral lineage of Dzongchen) to HH Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, who later recognized the reincarnate of HH Jangtrul Pethrin Rinpoche in 1988. HH Polo Khen Rinpoche was born in the Polo valley of Derge region and his teachers include Gonchen Shar Lama Jamyang Khyenrap, a student of Mipham Rinpoche , 3rdDrubwang Pema Norbu, Jamyang Chokyi Lodro and Khenpo Ngawang Palzang or Khenpo Nagchung.

Born in Lhuntshe to a  Dungkar Chojey family, HH Jangtrul Pethirn Rinpoche began his formative studies at the age of 14 with Venerable Khenchok Tenpa Rinchen. It is believed that Pethirn Rinpoche mastered all the required Buddhist texts in a period so short than expected for which he received the ‘Geshe’ title. During his visit to the Kham province in Tibet with Ashi Wangmo and Kelzang Wangdi, former Sungkhop of Trongsa, he received initiation and teachings of the Four Hearts – Essence from Dubjyud Rinpoche. Under his root teacher, HH Polo Khen Rinpoche, he received all the teachings and mastered the various methods of meditation.

HH Jangtrul Pethirn Rinpoche was instrumental in the promotion and development of the Buddha Dharma and contributed immensely towards its propagation in Bhutan. His spiritual prowess, powers and accomplishments enabled him to bring calmness and peace in the disturbed Jangchubling following which HH established higher Buddhist studies with more than 150 monks.

He was also the teacher of HH the 67th Je khenpo, Nyizer Trulku, Chabje Thinley Lhundrup and many other masters in Bhutan.

HH Jangtrul Pethrin Rinpoche foresaw his own demise and willingly accepted the offer of a poisoned drink during a visit to southern Bhutan. This acceptance manifests his true practice of the dharma which leaves behind a message of ‘all that is born must end’. He entered into nirvana at the age of 73.


Source: The raven crown, Micheal Aris
* The raven Crown: The origins of Buddhist Monarchy in Bhutan by Micheal Aris

His Holiness Jangtrul Pema Thinley was born in Lhuntse to a Dungkar Chojey family as an incarnation of H.H.Jangtrul Jamyang Tenizin. Right from a young age, he displayed an intelligence and wisdom beyond his age. At the age of 14, he left for Bumthang and began his studies under the Venerable Khenchok Tenpa Rinchen. During his teenage, he mastered all the thirteen major philosophical texts of Buddhism. He completed the study of all texts including grammer, logic, literature, science, etc an extraordinary achievement for a person of his age.

His Holiness Jangtrul Pema Thinley Rinpoche and Late Drabi Lopen Geshe Thukten Norbu Rinpoche accompanied by his cousin sister HRH Ashi Wangmo Wangchuck, and Kelzang Wangdi, former Sungkhor of Trongsa Dzong left for centeral and Kham province of Tibet. There he received initiation and teachings of the Four Heart – Essence from H. H. Gyalwang Dubjyud Rinpoche and from various other eminent teachers of that time. A yogi with desired to learn more was guided in his dream by a dakini to travel centeral Tibet. Where he studied under Geshe Lobsang Yonten Jamtsho at Drepung Loseling for more than twenty years and got his Geshe Title.

Under his root teacher, H.H. Penlop Khen Rinpoche, he received all the teachings on various methods of meditation and accordingly practiced and mastered. He practiced and went in retreat for several years and accomplished the perfection of meditation being able to see his own personal deity – yidam.

HH Jangtrul Pethirn Rinpoche was instrumental in the promotion and development of the Buddha Dharma and contributed immensely towards its propagation in Bhutan. His spiritual prowess, powers and accomplishments enabled him to bring calmness and peace in the disturbed Jangchubling following which HH established higher Buddhist studies with more than 150 monks. Thus, H. H. Jangtrul Pema Thinley Rinpoche contributed immensely towards the propagation and promotion of Buddha Dharma in the country for the benefit of all beings.

After some years, when H. H. Jangtrul Pema Thinley Rinpoche visited southern Bhutan, some people who were against the Dharma offered poison to him in the form of food. Although, he knew the food contained poison, he accepted and took the poison in order to satisfy the desire of the person offering it. In this way, he passed on to nirvana.


Source: From the original biography and oral narration of previous disciples