It was the evening of 24th December in Bhutan, when a lady, after coming from her usual tedious work in the fields had an unusual dream.

In the dream, she saw a nectar-like water giving a crystal shine to the world as if illuminating the world and its inhabitants. In the middle of the water, she saw a ‘Gawo’ (a magical Amulet, usually with a statue of the Buddha in it). She bowed in that direction. She felt some external forces driving her towards the direction of the Amulet. A little further from the Amulet, she saw a very peaceful place with enchanting music all around and in the middle of it stood a Monastery.

She opened the door of the Monastery and found white lotuses blooming all around the Monastery. She went on further and found statues of the Buddha in four directions of the Monastery. She could not recognize those statues of the Buddha.

As she was engrossed in those statues she felt a jerk and she woke up. In the early hours of the morning, as the rays of the sun brought down a shower of light, a son was born to her.  When her son was about two to three years of age, he started to narrate the story about himself and his previous life. The mother got frightened and worried. In her ignorance, she scolded her son and reprimanded him not to narrate further stories.

It was the year of 1988 when the son of that lady was recognized as a Trulku (reincarnate) of His Holiness Jangtrul Pema Thinley Rinpoche by His Holiness Drubwang Rinpoche and Royal Government of Bhutan.

He is the present H. E. Jangtrul Yangsed Rinpoche.

Under the guidance and patronage of His Holiness Drubwang Rinpoche, H.E Yangsed began his studies at one of the biggest Buddhist Higher Studies Institutes in  Nepal, India and Bhutan.

H.E completed his Buddhist studies from Khenchen Ngawang Ludrup Rinpoche where he graduated with a Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in Buddhist studies and in foreign language Literature. As a student, Rinpoche lived like any ordinary person and continues to live an ordinary life despite his being a very high reincarnate.

H.E. completed his Mahasandhi (Dzogchen) practised under the personal instructions from His Holiness Do Drupchen Rinpoche.

H.E. received the complete Kagyud initiations and teachings from various Kagyud Masters of Lho Drukpa Kaygyud Tradition of Bhutan. H.E. practised Six Yogas of Naropa under His Holiness the 67th Je Khenpo, Kyabje Nyizer Trulku Rinpoche. H.E. also received Mahamudra teachings from His Holiness 68th Kyabje Je Trizur and the present 70th Kyabje Je Trulku Jigme Chodra. Rinpoche successfully practised under the strict patronage of his personal teacher His Holiness Yonten Gyeltshen Rinpoche of Central Monastic Body of Bhutan.

H.E. received special initiations, empowerments and teachings precisely on Middle Way (Madhyamaka-Avatara-Nama and Buddhapalita) from His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.

Since childhood, he is a gifted poet, the fluent narrator, and a nature lover. He has immense interest in poetry and other literary works.

Source : As mentioned in the Letter of Recognition